Return & Refund Policy

Updated at 2023-10-14

If you are not happy with your purchase, we will accept a return of an unused product within 7 days from the date of delivery of the products. Once we receive the returned item Clothing & Fashion will then give a full refund (excluding shipping as we are unable to refund the initial shipping cost of your order) post verification of the product at our warehouse. Refund shall be processed as per the applicable guidelines / notification / law passed by RBI from time to and it may take 07-14 days additional business days to reflect the same in your account. Only Readymade And Products Are Accepted As Return. Made To Order Dresses are not acceptable as Return.
Refund will be given 💯.

If refund is because of courier service or damaged article received will may take time to resolve because of third party involvement.

But we assure full refund your money is 💯 safe.